Wrestling legend Dan Gable and former UFC champion Frankie Edgar...

Wrestling legend Dan Gable and former UFC champion Frankie Edgar pose at Grapple at the Garden, a collegiate wrestling event featuring 14 colleges at Madison Square Garden. Credit: Robert Cassidy

The Long Island wrestling community will have an opportunity to meet one of the sport’s greatest ambassadors when Dan Gable, the 1972 Olympic gold medalist and renowned collegiate coach at University of Iowa promotes his new book “A Wrestling Life” at Book Revue at 313 New York Ave. in Huntington, Monday at 7 p.m.

Gable’s book details his wrestling life as an Olympic gold medalist and how he coached Iowa to 15 NCAA Division I championships. He tells stories of his childhood in Waterloo, Iowa and how he developed his methods and philosophies to reach individual greatness and team goals.

“New York City and Long Island are special places for me and for wrestling,” Gable said. “There’s an attitude here and a confidence that really makes a difference in the people. And it really flows out into the rest of the country. They have strong values in New York and I want to move the sport even further forward through my passion and experiences. I’m excited about this trip to New York.”

Gable will be speaking and then signing his memoir which includes “The Inspiring Stories of Dan Gable”.

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