Bobby Moynihan's show, which CBS said would "return to the...

Bobby Moynihan's show, which CBS said would "return to the schedule at a later date," is being replaced by the freshman comedy "9JKL." Credit: CBS / Sonja Flemming

“Me, Myself & I,” the new CBS sitcom about a man at three stages of his life, has been put on indefinite hiatus and may be the first cancellation of the fall TV season.

The network announced Wednesday that the series, starring Jack Dylan Grazer, Bobby Moynihan and John Larroquette as Alex Riley at age 14 in 1991, age 40 today and age 65 in 2042, would be bumped from its 9:30 p.m. Monday slot after six episodes and “return to the schedule at a later date.”

Fellow freshman comedy “9JKL” moves from 8:30 p.m. to take its place. Season 2 of the Matt LeBlanc comedy “Man with a Plan” will fill the 8:30 slot on Nov. 13 following a “Big Bang Theory” rerun there this Monday.

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