Candle De Lite in Baldwin: Army vet ignites business focused on affordability

Alexander Moffatt, owner of the candle-making shop Candle De Lite in Baldwin, makes affordability a priority. Credit: Candle De Lite
Alexander Moffatt, the owner of a candle shop in Baldwin, strives to be a source of light and inspiration at his store and beyond. For this enterprising business owner — an Army veteran now in the Reserves and a Verizon storekeeper — launching Candle De Lite was the realization of a dream.
"I always knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur," says Moffatt, 39, who opened his store in February 2023. "My main goal is to be the most affordable candle-making business. A lot of people are going through hard times."
At Candle De Lite, two-hour classes offer the know-how and materials to make personalized candles. Customers choose the shape, scent and special touches, like glitter and rose petals.
"Let the fun begin" beckons the homepage of the shop, which is appointment-only and bring your own bottle or drinks. "My store is for a good vibe and an experience," Moffatt says. "I love giving people that."
His entrepreneurial fire was lit during a date in 2022 at another candle shop with his wife, with whom he has 15-year-old twin daughters and a 21-year-old son.
"I thought, ‘I could do this better,’" Moffatt says. He researched, drew up a business plan, and opened the doors. Couples and groups of young women and men are key customers. Depending on jar size and shape, packages run $45 to $60.
Moffatt is a big believer in community outreach, and thanks to his "candle-making bus," his business has a mobile dimension. "I’ll pull up to festivals and different events," he says.
In May 2023, he participated in a block party in Garden City to help kids with cancer. Part of his proceeds from the event went to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. He plans to participate in a similar event for a sickle cell disease foundation.
Moffatt takes classes at Nassau Community College. He says earning a degree is important to him and to be a role model for his daughters.
Looking ahead, he’s considering opening a store in Suffolk County. He’s driven by his passion for creating a peaceful environment through candles. "Candles smell good, they bring serenity," he says. "Sometimes you need that."
Candle De Lite, 998B Merrick Rd., Baldwin, 929-371-8063, candledelite.live