Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen Credit: Getty Images

Charlie Sheen made amends Tuesday for having badmouthed his "Two and a Half Men" replacement, Ashton Kutcher, last week.

"Dear Ashton," Sheen wrote on his website Monday, "My bad. I was disrespectful to a man doing his best. I got excited and threw you into a crossfire. The rest of my statement I stand behind. You, however, deserve better. Safety in your travels, good sir."

The note was signed "The 'late' Charlie Harper," a reference to Sheen's since-deceased character on the show.

On Thursday, Sheen, 46, phoned in to the webcast "TMZ Live" on, and complained, "I'm tired of lying, I'm tired of pretending" the show and Kutcher aren't terrible.

"It's nothing personal. I just feel bad for him; he's saddled with such bad writing. I mean, I had some pretty bad writing over the years, but when the show was good it was great. . . . But now it's like there's just nothing about it that's fresh or interesting."

Kutcher's rep did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Sheen is scheduled to begin shooting his new FX sitcom, "Anger Management," on March 22.

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