James Wolk as Bob Benson on "Mad Men."

James Wolk as Bob Benson on "Mad Men." Credit: AMC

James Wolk finally has the hit most of his fans think he was destined for -- though most of them didn't figure this would be the hit: "The Crazy Ones," which is easily the standout success of the new fall crop. (The lead-in doesn't hurt, but a success is a success...) 

In this clip posted by CBS, Wolk does briefly address his "Mad Men" role -- Bob Benson, one of those wonderfully ambiguous characters who drove an army of TV writers in fits of speculation last season. But "The Crazy Ones" success also raises the whole issue of Bob's continued tenure at Sterling Cooper. His "Zach Cropper" is obviously a key reason why "Ones" is working, yet how would this sync with the "Mad Men" universe? Probably wouldn't which is why we have either seen the end of "Bob" or the beginning of the end of  Bob. That's OK: The mysterious Bob has now been solved anyway...

The clip... Newsday app readers know the drill -- head to newsday.com/tvzone to watch Zach talk Bob...

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